B-04, A-37, A-Block, Sector-63, Noida, 201301

VVIP Mangal


VVIP Mangal is a lodging complex in Ghaziabad Raj Nagar Extension. The people group is spread over an enormous territory and has under development condos available to be purchased. These pads can be traversed designers. Every unit is open and permits satisfactory daylight and natural air. Level proprietors will be given a scope of offices to utilize, for example, vehicle leaving, upkeep staffs, water gathering, running track, multipurpose room and club house. Vibhor Vaibhav Infrahome Pvt Ltd is a prestigious engineer of the zone with a scope of ventures in their possession. Raj Nagar Extension is situated close to the NH 58 and is a separation of a little ways from Noida.

  • ID: 31495
  • Published: 2019-07-16 17:54:35
  • Last Update: 2019-07-16 17:54:35
  • Views: 2549